How should you answer "Why would you like to work here?" during a job interview?

During an interview and when answering the “why would you like to work here” question, a candidate should demonstrate that he’s researched the company and that he believes his skills, strengths and experience are a good match. He also should express his enthusiasm for the company’s mission and future plans.

It’s important for candidates to highlight to recruiters how their professional background benefits a specific company, as opposed to what the company can do for them. This requires interviewees to research the company before the interview. Aligning one’s professional skills with the company’s mission and future plans show interviewers how candidates may be an asset to their company and suggests they are motivated to perform well in the new position. Too much focus on what one can get from the company makes it difficult for recruiters to envision this candidate as a new team member.

Strive to explain why you would be an asset to the team. Promise things that you desire to deliver. Approaching them in this manner would show them that you are serious about the job instead of just picking similar firms/companies.