What are the benefits of going on an exchange program?

AFS is a program for students to go on an exchange program overseas. Students who go onto tertiary studies find themselves more comfortable in ‘foreign’ environments.
Prospective employers in almost every field look favourably upon experience gained while living overseas and knowledge obtained of another language and culture, thus it is a plus for us.Increased pressure to communicate and relate to others develops an awareness of group dynamics and personal sensitivity towards others, which is essential for student life in universities.Successful program completion represents an excellent measure of personal flexibility, encompassing an ability to reach compromise, focus and succeed through challenging time. Definitely something to look forward for.

Additionally, the experience attained in a foreign environment (regardless of how long one stayed there) is an immeasurable benefit.

For instance, I went for a study trip (approximately 2 weeks) and I left feeling enlightened and excited. While differing cultures are not easy to understand, it is important to keep an open mind to learn.

There are a lot of benefits of such programs.
After having spent a significant amount of time within the host country, most exchange students will find that they have become accustomed to the culture of their host country and will find themselves essentially able to behave in the manner of a local. This excellent learning opportunity typically leaves an exchange student with a better understanding for people of all sorts, and can really make young people feel as though they have become “citizens of the world.”
While on the exchange, students have the opportunity to learn a foreign language as they never had before.
You will also meet tons of native friends in your exchange country that you will have a close relationship with for the rest of your life.
The attachment with a host family stays forever and will always be appreciated.
Having enjoyed the good and survived the bad components of a year abroad, the student will return to their home country with newfound strength, confidence, and self-understanding.