What college courses are needed to become an ultrasound technician?

Work as an ultrasound technician usually requires completion of an accredited two-year associate or bachelor’s degree program in sonography, which includes college-level math, physiology, human anatomy and biology courses, as well as exposure to specialties such as fetal and vascular ultrasound, according to the Houston Chronicle. Sonography programs include hands-on education in a clinical setting, notes Study.com, which is a requirement for certification with the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography and also typically required by employers.

Medical terminology and applied sciences are among other courses typically included in diagnostic medical sonography programs, explains the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Certificate programs are usually one year in length and available to those transitioning to work as an ultrasound technician from similar health care jobs. Students seeking specialty certification can also focus coursework in areas such as abdominal or breast sonography.