What is a CV? Is it like resume?

Curriculum Vitae, more commonly referred to by its shorthand abbreviation CV (a Latin term meaning course of life), are primarily popular among academics, as graduate students often spend a lot of effort getting their work published during these post-grad years. While higher-education institutions undoubtedly evaluate a potential candidate’s grades and test scores, they’re also eager to see where an applicant’s been published.

Unlike the resume, which lists work history and experiences, along with a brief summary of your skills and education, the CV is a far more comprehensive document. It goes above and beyond a mention of education and work experience and often lists—in thoughtful detail—your achievements, awards, honors, and publications, stuff universities care about when they’re hiring teaching staff. Unlike a resume, which is rarely longer than a one-sided single page, the CV can be two, six, or 12 pages—depending on your professional achievements.

A CV is usually better because of the detailed information in it. The difference between each applicant can be seen in the details and the way a CV is written. A well-written piece is often more appealing than one that is poorly written despite one’s achievements.

Typically, CVs are longer than resumes - at least two or three pages. That is the main difference.
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