Accounting or banking

My teacher told me once that accounting have a lot of sub units lk financial , banking , audit and etc . Im wondering which course should i take ? I need more details about all of this . If you have any informations please tell me :blush:

I think you are referring to different majors offered under the accounting course. When you enroll into an accounting bachelor’s degree course at university, you can choose different major like finance, banking, audit etc. Depending on the specific education institutions, usually during your first year you will be exposed to all basic of accounting covering the basic of all these majors, only during your second year that you choose to specialize in a major to learn even more in depth on that specific major. However, at the end of the day you will still graduate with an Accounting degree so don’t worry too much now.

Thank you so much :dizzy: This really helps a lot :blush: