AEON Malaysia Scholarship Awards | Malaysia Scholarship 2016 Biasiswa Postgraduate, Undergraduate & Pre-University Studies

AEON Malaysia Scholarship Awards AEON CO. (M) BHD. was incorporated on 15 September 1984. The Company was set up in response to the Malaysian Government’s invitation to AEON Japan to help modernise the retailing industries in Malaysia. The ‘JUSCO’ and now ‘AEON’ name is today well established among Malaysians as well as foreigners, especially due to its association with the international AEON group of companies. The AEON group of companies consists of AEON Co., Ltd., and more than 180 consolidated subsidiaries and affiliated companies. In addition to its core GMS plus its supermarket and convenience store operations, AEON is also active in specialty store operations and shopping centre development, operations, credit card business and services.

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