Exit Survey Interviewer RM100/Day @ KLCC - Student Part Time Jobs Malaysia

Hi students,

Who interested to do extra pocket money with easy job?

Need Part Timer Interviewers for Research Survey at Suria KLCC for 3 days (Wed , Fri and Saturday) * Duration : Every month on third week or fourth week only * Age : 16 - 55 years * Malaysian only * Prefer : Students, House wife, Unemployed, Free Lancer and Etc. * Job Scope: Approach customers that had been shopping and want to exit . * Payment per Piece : RM 10.00 ( Successfully Interviewed) Average RM 200.00 per Day based on your effort to approach more. Minimally must interview 10 respondents per day or more. * Working Shift Time : 8 hour per Day (10.00 am - 6.00 pm ) or (2.00 pm - 10.00 pm) * Fieldwork Date For January: 27th,29th and 30th January 2016 (Wed, Fri and Sat) * Training and project briefing will be provided on 26th Jan 16 at 1pm at : Metrix Research , Level 11, Menara Dato Onn (Bangunan UMNO), PWTC, KL

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