Fiesta Hari Terbuka ke-57 ASTAR (FHT 2017) - Education Malaysia for Students

One of the highlights of the event was Borneo Night as the theme of opening ceremony. On Friday night, Tun Perak Hall, as used to be, once again became the conflux of ASTARians. The crowd was immensely entertained by the Ngajat and Limbai Bajau dances performed by SEKAR and also, the grandioso duet singing by two Borneo ASTARians which shot the peak of the night insomuch they won the standing ovation of the audience with their proprietary melodious vocal. A small number of audiences even hopped onto the stage, adding hues to the performance with their free-style dance, epitomising a warming display of harmony. It was a great night full of cheers and laughter as every attendee grabbed the chance to taste the Borneo Mee Kolok and Teh 3 Layer as supper.

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