MUFY stands for Monash University Foundation Year. As a pre-u course that entails two semesters, it guarantees the student a priority seat in Monash University (as long as the requirements are met).
It offers a range of units, from the sciences, mathematics and informative ones such as globalisation. Although it may be pricier than other pre-u courses, MUFY is an excellent program which prepares a student well for their life in Monash University.
Australian foundation programs, like SAM, AUSMAT and MUFY, as mentioned above provides a wide spectrum of possibilities for SPM/IGCSE leavers. Being an international qualification brings an edge to an individual’s credibility. It is generally worth noting for other than the usual pathways chosen by most SPM/IGCSE leavers.
Also, despite the fact that MUFY is geared towards entering Monash University, other institutions would accept this qualification (as long as they are met). For instance, Sunway University accepts this qualification from students. They are able to study a variety of courses. I personally know a friend who is studying in the sciences.