Options After SPM

Highly recommended / must-read article on options after SPM: http://www.thestar.com.my/News/Education/2014/03/30/Options-after-SPM/

Informative Infographic: http://www.thestar.com.my/~/media/Images/TSOL/Photos-Gallery/Education/2014/03/30/optionsafterspm.ashx/

What about you? How did you spend your time after SPM? Any other option to add?

Wow! At first glance, all the options I can think of are there on the infographic (The Star outdid themselves, this is really complete!) , even the rumoured gap year! (Yes, Malaysians do have the option of taking a gap year, it’s just a less popular option) This is very useful for people like me who have just finished their SPM.
I do have to add that enriching oneself is pretty important, and what better time to do that than now, when we are free?
We can read more or take up a music instrument.

Yup, more people are taking gaps year in Malaysia nowadays compared to few years back. In fact I met a few people taking gap year after SPM recently. There are definitely many things to consider when deciding to take a gap year, one advice is to learn from experiences of people who took gap year.

Some good sharing on gap year:
Things to Do During Your Gap Year
Gap Year Experience Sharing: Mind The GAPS

how may i find students in music field?
please help me
thank you