What are typical physical therapist classes?

Typical physical therapist classes include those in anatomy, exercise physiology, kinesiology, behavioral sciences and clinical reasoning. Examples include Gross Human Anatomy and Physical Therapy Examination, which are part of the physical therapy curriculum at Boston University college of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences. Approximately 80 percent of the physical therapy curriculum is classroom work, and 20 percent is clinical education, states the American Physical Therapy Association.

An example semester of courses for a physical therapy degree could include the following classes: Clinical Medicine I, Evidence Based Practice I, Cardiovascular and Pulmonary System I, Musculoskeletal System I and Integrated Clinical Experience I. In Clinical Medicine I at Boston University, students learn an overview of human tissue response to injury and pain. Evidence Based Practice I teaches students the skills to form and research clinical questions. Courses such as Musculoskeletal System I allow students to focus on the individual systems of human anatomy.