What can you do with an English degree?

A degree in English prepares students for job opportunities in communications, counseling, psychology, public administration, political science or government and law. In addition, people with English degrees may work as journalists, creative writers, technical writers, editors, advertising representatives, educators, tutors or publishing professionals.

Since the curriculum for an English degree focuses heavily on writing, critical thinking and communication skills, many graduates choose to work and write for newspapers, magazines, Internet marketing companies, advertising agencies, corporate communication companies and broadcast media organizations.

The writing skills gained as an English major also lend well to positions that require writing and editing in government agencies, large corporations, educational institutions and libraries. Private and public schools typically hire English majors to assist with tutoring or the writing center on campus.
The publishing industry is also another option for English majors. For example, a person with an English degree may gain employment as a production assistant, book editor, manuscript reviewer or editorial assistant at a publishing company.

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