What is General Education?

Thank you for clicking on my post. I wanna ask what is General Education in American universities? I came across this when I was browsing through articles about university essentials. Is it similar to Malaysian pre-U or something? As I noticed they let you choose a variety of subjects from different groups like Science, Art and etc during the first semester of the first year of university. I am just curious, can anyone explain? Thanks

What exactly is general education? These programs, often referred to as “gen eds” or core curriculum classes, are a collection of credits required by all majors for a degree. No matter what your degree (BS, BFA, etc.) and how many credits are required for it, these classes are added on top of your mandatory major courses with the intent to broaden knowledge beyond what’s required in your field.

Based on this explanation, general education is not pre-u but actually the general subjects you take in university in order to graduate with degree. Some of these general subjects in local public universities in Malaysia (universiti awam) are Hubungan Etnik, TITAS, Enterpreneurship (Keusahawanan) etc that are compulsory for all degree students regardless of their respective degree courses.