Which pre-U choice suits you?

After completing SPM, you would have to continue in pre-U first before starting to do your degree. Let’s just say that pre-U is the bridge between your SPM and degree. As a Malaysian student, there are many choices of pre-U available to be chosen from. It is important to know which pre-U choice is the best for you according to what you are planning to do in the future.

There are two types of pre-U courses. One is offered by the government or as known as public universities while the other is offered by the private sector. Pre-U under the government includes Asasi in IPTA, matriculation and STPM. While private universities offer wider range of pre-U courses which are A levels, American Degree program or American Degree Transfer Program, International Baccalaureate program, Canadian Pre-university program or Canadian International Matriculation program, Australian Matriculation program and college foundations.

Asasi in IPTA is offered at public universities such as UiTM, UKM, UIA and USM. Asasi is a preparatory course before students continue their degree in related fields of study. In order to apply for asasi, you must buy the UPU pin number at the nearest branch of BSN and fill the UPU form online.

STPM or its proper name, Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia is a program taught in chosen schools around Malaysia. Students have to enroll in school for another two years before completing the exam. The STPM exam is ranked as the top 5 hardest examinations in Malaysia.

Matriculation is a program offered by the Ministry of Education for post-SPM students. It is less tougher compared to Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia.

For the private universities, foundation is actually quite similar compared to asasi in public universities. Students would be exposed to the fields of study they are interested in. There are a few types of foundations such as Foundation in Science (FSc), Foundation in Arts (FIA) and Foundation in Engineering. Foundation is suitable for you if you are sure about what course to take.

A levels, or its full name Advanced Levels is a pre-U course offered by private universities. The certificate lasts for a lifetime so it is quite worth it even though A levels costs a lot of cash. You are advised to do A levels if you are open to many fields of learning and still searching for a course you truly wants to take a degree in.

International baccalaureate program or IB is a diploma program for two years. It is tough and hard and it is suitable for you if you can withstand the stress of studying and the pressure of time management. International baccalaureate diploma certificate is recognized worldwide and so far there has been half a million IB students from hundreds of learning institutes.

American Degree Program, Canadian Degree Program and Australian Matriculation program are preparatory programs that prepares students to further their sstudies overseas.

American degree program or american degree transfer program prepare students to further their studies in the United States of America.

Canadian Press University Program and Canadian Matriculation Program prepares students to study in Canadian universities.

Meanwhile, Australian Matriculation (AUSMAT) is a preparatory program for those who are interested to further their studies in universities in Australia and New Zealand.