Ask Me Anything About Malaysia Matriculation Programme (Matrikulasi)

What are the requirements for Matriculation ? Will be there any changes in 2017 ? let’s say I get 5A’s and 5 C’s … Am I eligible to get Matriculation?

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Thank you:):grinning:

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Oh no…that’s gonna be hard…so if I have enrolled into the matriculation that I was offered and the next month I get the offer for foundation programme,can I drop out from matriculation? If can,how about the fees for the one month I studied at the matriculation? Sorry for asking tons of questions :bowing_man:

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@tinashrocker No if u are a bumi u might get ( slight chance) but if u are not there’s no hope. If u want to guarantee your place in matrics u need to get at least 7 A and at least all A’s for your science and maths subject.

@sarasyakila I am glad to help u out…
Yes u can drop matriculation if u want to pursue the foundation program… U only need to pay RM250 for 1 year which is the registration fees. But I am not sure where u need to pay for the fees if u are gonna leave matrics…

Oh,I see…thank you so much for helping me out :blush:can’t wait for the result of my application for matrics next week…

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Is the syllabus in BM or English?

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@nataliechen the syllabus is in English… But sometimes the teacher teaches in both language. But the book and lecture notes are all in English.

@marisashanthini i got d in my chemistry and someone said that i will not get the chances to enroll in science class in matrics but more likely to get offer in accounting.Can i have a chance to switch from account to technical ??

Thank you:):grinning:

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@OHMHazel hi. Yeah there’s very slight chance the u will get science modul. When u applied for matrics u were required to choose your field of interest. It’s depends if u get it then u can appeal to the college whether u can change to teknikal but the two modules have different colleges

From what I know, matriculation offer 8 options for the degree study right? May I ask when do we know what degree course did the gov give us? Is it after the matiric foundation program or before we enter the school?

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@Daniel. Hello. U will know the results of the course being offered to U after the matriculation program has ended. We will have to attend for interviews before being offered the course. Right after matrics u can start your degree.

Thanks a lot !!!

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May i ask what is the language using for the interview?

@Daniel There are no interview for matriculation… :blush:

Thank you very much :slight_smile::slight_smile:

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Hello. I want to ask, if I didn’t get to enter into matriculation for the first intake then if I appeal, will I be late for the school’s open day? Or I’ll still start school the same as the first intake students?

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@helisa_lai u will just start 1 week later. U won’t miss out much.

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I just called matriculatrion centre just about 15minute ago from now, they said the result which we check before this 12.00p.m. is not official.

Furthermore, this question maybe the most frequently asked, Do accepting matriculation offer will automatically cancel our UPU appilication? The answer is NO.