Welcome to Student Malaysia

Have a question on SPM, STPM, University or Scholarship but do not know who can help? Ask it here!

We are an active online community of Malaysian students - both juniors and seniors are welcome! :love_letter:

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Post new topic to ask your question, provide specific details, explain what exactly do you need advices on. We will try to help by providing answers (or education advices) to your question as quickly as possible.

Some categories of topics that you might be interested:

  • Scholarship covers all discussion on scholarships available to Malaysian students
  • Pre-university covers education advices on form six, A-Level, matriculation
  • University covers both public and private, local and overseas tertiary education

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No longer a student or have some time to spare? Browse through our forum, read the topics that interest you, help fellow junior students out there.

We were once lost, confused, puzzled on so many aspects of education. Now that we’ve been through all the difficulties, don’t you think that it is meaningful to help others who are facing the same situation?

Help us help others. Thank you! :wink:

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I moved a post to a new topic: Taking SAT Test in Malaysia

I moved 2 posts to a new topic: MNRB Scholarship Fund Awards

I moved a post to an existing topic: SPM Form 5 Add Math Project Work Sample Answer

A post was merged into an existing topic: SPM 2015 Discussion: SPM 2015 Tips, Spot Topics, Notes